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toilet training phone sex

For too long you’ve been making a mess in your underpants. Every time I do the laundry I find stains on the backside because you don’t wipe carefully enough, and stains in the front because you dribble after you’ve gone pee. I’m sick of you ruining every pair of underwear I buy you and sick of doing so much laundry because you can’t practice proper hygiene. That’s why I have bought you a pair of rubber pants. They take care of everything. You simply put these on and there are no more stains at all. Just wipe them clean at the end of the day and you’ll be fine. They seem uncomfortable but you’ll get used to them. In fact, you’ll come to love your rubber pants. You might even find them arousing, like a naughty boy would acheter cialis.
Do you need rubber pants too? Or a diaper change? Call me for Mommy Phone Sex and we’ll take care of you.

Mommy Angelina